Godric celebrates seventy years of cycling in the Waveny valley


2023 Award Winners!

Larissa Webster, Dave Walden, Ed Curtis, David Aspinall, Ian Lomas & David Murgatroyd

Godric 70th Anniversary

Our cycling club was founded in 1953 and in February this year current members were joined by friends of Godric past and present as well as two founder members, Barry Mimms and Daphne King to celebrate 70 years of riding bikes.

Club kit through the years

Richard Avery, kindly loaned example jerseys from 1978 - 2023

Everyone was able to enjoy a rolling slide show of photographs from rides throughout the years as well as well as jerseys, ride reports and newspaper clippings from the clubs history.

Daphne gave a short talk to members about the clubs founding and early history.

This was followed by Fergus Muir the EDP correspondent entertaining members with tales of competitive cycling in the Anglia region.

The club closed out the evening with the presentation of awards and the all important raffle.

Thank you to members and friends of Godric Cycling Club & to the organisers of a lovely evening.

Special General Meeting

There will be a SGM on Wednesday 5th October, 19:00 at the Emmanuel Church Community Rooms in Bungay.

All members welcome.

The meeting has been called to allow a vote on raising the membership subscription prior to the due date in January. This would normally be voted on at the AGM in February which of course would be too late. The proposition to rise the subscription follows a review of the current level of expenditure and the level of membership subscription receipts, where a gap has formed that needs to be rectified at least in part.

The SGM will also include the monthly committee agenda.

July Committee Meeting

Wednesday 20th July 19:00 at the Emmanuel Church Community Rooms in Bungay.

All members welcome.



10 mile TT handicap

It was agreed at last nights committee meeting that the 10 mile TT series would be run on a handicap basis (more details to follow). This is to make the 10 mile TT  fairer by compensating for age and to generate greater overall competition. In addition, to qualify for the 10 Mile TT trophy, riders will have to attend at least four events during the calendar year. This is aimed at rewarding those members that attend the event on a regular basis.

We also need volunteers to help marshalling at the events and would encourage anyone who is interested to contact Paul (vergettepaul@gmail.com) or Larissa (07747626029). We would especially welcome volunteers from families and friends of the non-Godric CC riders that regularly attend the events.

Without the support of volunteers, the club will struggle to maintain the 10 Mile TT series and may have to consider reducing it or even cancelling it in future years. Let's not let that happen........


Committee meeting 18/05/22

Godric Cycling Club General Purposes Committee
Weds 19 May 2022, held at 7.00 pm, at The EMMANUEL CHURCH COMMUNITY ROOMS, BUNGAY
1. Apologies for absence.
2. Minutes of last meeting (30 March 2022, attached)
3. Matters arising.
4. Chairman’s report.
5. Secretaries report.
6. Treasurer’s report.
7. Club web site.
8. Membership
9. Visit to Lee Valley velodrome
10. Review of Awards
11. Ride leader training (See email from British Cycling already circulated)
12. Club kit
13. Godric Way Ride
14. The Container
15. Any other business.
16. Date and time of next meeting.

Wednesday club rides

We have restarted a Wednesday club ride meeting at 09:30 at the Buttercross. The speed is 13-15 MPH but we will always set the pace to suit - so no one is left struggling.  We typically cover 30 miles.

Godric Cycling Club General Purposes Committee Meeting 30/03/22

Godric Cycling Club General Purposes Committee

All members welcome.

Weds 30 March 2022, held at 7.00 pm, at The EMMANUEL CHURCH COMMUNITY ROOMS, BUNGAY


  1. Apologies for absence.
  2. Minutes of last meeting (19 January 2022)
  3. Matters arising.
  4. Chairman’s report.
  5. Secretaries report.
  6. Treasurer’s report.
  7. Presentation dinner.
  8. Club web site.
  9. Visit to Lee Valley velodrome
  10. Membership
  11. Review of Awards.
  12. Club kit
  13. Godric Way Ride
  14. The Container
  15. Any other business.
  16. Date and time of next meeting.




Hello everybody.  Not long now till the clocks go forward and easter, then we can all look forward to some nice spring/summer riding.  Quite a lot has been happening since the last newsletter in December, so time to update you on what has been going on.

Best wishes,  Dave Walden


Your Committee, mainly Larissa and Kevin, has been getting the new web site up and running.  If you haven’t done so do have a look at it.  It’s such a big improvement over the old one and the aim is to keep the content up to date and relevant.  It’s still work in progress so if anyone has any ideas of ways it could be improved please do get in touch. can even join the club, or renew your membership on line with Paypal. Quick and painless.  Which leads me to………


Many thanks to those who have renewed their membership, and we have gained some new active members.  On the other hand it is disappointing how many of the old members haven’t renewed after the free year in 2021, at a time when we are confident the club is on the up again. Hopefully we can also look forward to a fairly normal summer as, fingers crossed, the threats of Covid do seem to be receding a bit.  So if you are thinking of renewing please do so soon as there will be a cut off point of March 31st when those who haven’t will not be able to access the Member’s area of the web site or some social media platforms, and this will be your last newsletter.  We really don’t want to lose you but we do have to draw a line somewhere. But of course if you do leave then regret it you can always rejoin!


The presentation dinner at Bungay Golf Club on 5 February was enjoyed by about 40 members and guests.  It was really nice to see our president Daphne enjoying herself!

The meal was a 3 course carvery + coffee and mints and for £23.95 was probably cheaper than going to the pub.

Tim Gregory from Smile Bikes was our guest of honour and gave a really interesting talk about his history in BMX,  and more recently selling E bikes.  Thanks go to Karle Howard for organising Tim’s attendance.  Tim's partner Jane helped chairman Kevin to hand out the awards.  Most of the competition ones were won by Karle Howard and Jo Fisk.  Perhaps there are some members out there who would like to challenge them this year?  

As well as the normal awards there were 2 special ones.  Paul Vergette was presented with an engraved glass tankard in appreciation of his dedicated work to the club.  As Chairman, and I’m sure he won’t mind me saying a reluctant one, he saw the club through the difficulties of recent years before handing the reins to Kevin, and organising the TTs despite a journey over from Acle.  Though he remains as TT secretary he has stepped back from his primary organising role.

And though sadly they couldn’t be there to receive them, the club bought a pair of engraved wine glasses for Pam and Peter Milner.  After more years than most people can remember they have retired from their timekeeping role and this award was a small token of our appreciation.

The evening was also a chance to present some life membership certificates after the Committee’s decision to award this honour to any member of more than 40 years.  They weren’t all present but the recipients were:

Barry Minns, Barry Debenham, Peter Bourchier, Richard Avery, Patrick Sheppard, and James Caplin.

Special thanks must go to Larissa who made a splendid job of organising the evening, and to Margaret for providing flowers for the table as well as Bouquets for Daphne and Jane.  Thanks also to John Swanbury for the photos.  There are many more on the club Facebook page.


The club’s 50 mile reliability ride took place on 13 February.  It was a disappointing entry of 27, but the cold and windy conditions put a lot of people off.  Though it was good to see 16 of the riders under the Godric banner.  The last part of the ride back from Loddon was particularly demanding into teeth of the wind.  The refreshments back at Ditchingham went down very well, with home made cakes from Margaret, and lovely Friends Farm (Alburgh) sausage rolls organised by Mark.  Friends Farm shop has a great selection of local produce including quality meat, awesome sausages as well as the sausage rolls and pastries.  Well worth a visit if your’e passing.    Hopefully when other club events resume the weather will have improved.  You will find details of these on web site.


This event was first run as part of the ??? Jubilee celebrations in ??? and the leaflets of the route have been available since.  To the uninitiated it is a signposted 25 mile ride through some of the landmarks around Bungay, starting from the Buttercross.  With the Queen’s platinum jubilee happening 2022 would be a fitting time to reinstate it.  Watch this space for further details.



This is a sportive organised by Action Medical Research on 15th May.  Full details are in the link.  The club was approached by the organisers and we have agreed as a club to run the feed station at Holton Village Hall.  In exchange the organisers have given the club a code that will allow a 40% reduction in the entry fee for club members.  If you would like to take advantage contact me and I will provide the code.  PLEASE, PLEASE don’t abuse this offer and publicise it outside the club.  If you aren’t planning to do the ride please consider helping out at Holton.  This will be a good way of raising the profile of the club in the area.  Full details will be provided nearer the time but if you are able to help perhaps you could just let me know so we have an idea.

We will also be given a code that will allow 6 free entries for Ride Essex in September.  I did this last year and it’s a fab route starting at Writtle College, meandering up to the Suffolk border via Felsted and the Hedinghams, and back via Finchingfield ,Thaxted and Dunmow.  Plenty of climbing!.  Priority will go to those who help out in May but there might well be spares.  Again watch this space.


As you should know by now we have some splendid new kit.  If you haven’t seen it in the flesh it is in the photos of the reliability ride.  If there is enough interest to make it viable (the economies of scale are quite significant)  we can order some more in the spring.  Please contact Mark Goodridge if interested, and he can give details of pricing, sizing etc.  m.j.goodridge@outlook.com

That’s about all from me for now.  Happy riding

Best wishes,

Dave Walden

New Kit

IT HAS ARRIVED!! General opinion seems to be that it looks great. It was good to see 11 out on the club run on 12th December 2021, all in the new colours. It should help to attract interest in the club when a group like this is seen out on the road.

There won’t be another order going in now till the Spring 2022, assuming there is the demand. Mark Goodridge will be dealing with this, so watch this space for when orders must be in. In the meantime it might help if you let him know you are a potential customer so he can get an idea of demand. m.j.goodridge@outlook.com Great job Mark!!

David Aspinall still has a few pieces of the old kit available for the bargain price of £10 per item, caps £5. Please contact him if you are interested (the new kit is much nicer though!!) Chairman Kevin also had some club badges printed and very generously made a limited number of luminous green mud flaps that better protect following riders. Thanks Kevin!!


Godric Way Ride

For those who don’t know about it the Godric Way is a recommended cycle route of some 24 miles through Bungay and the surrounding Parishes, though shorter options are available. It offers outstanding views of the upper Waveney Valley as well as visits to many historical buildings, churches and local beauty spots avoiding main roads as far as possible. Until recently it was run annually. Margaret is arranging for the leaflet to be revised and reprinted and we are hoping to run it again in 2022 as part of a fitting celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. It will be an outstanding opportunity to raise the profile of the club and hopefully gather some new members. More news as and when available.


40km (25mi)