New Kit
IT HAS ARRIVED!! General opinion seems to be that it looks great. It was good to see 11 out on the club run on 12th December 2021, all in the new colours. It should help to attract interest in the club when a group like this is seen out on the road.
There won’t be another order going in now till the Spring 2022, assuming there is the demand. Mark Goodridge will be dealing with this, so watch this space for when orders must be in. In the meantime it might help if you let him know you are a potential customer so he can get an idea of demand. Great job Mark!!
David Aspinall still has a few pieces of the old kit available for the bargain price of £10 per item, caps £5. Please contact him if you are interested (the new kit is much nicer though!!) Chairman Kevin also had some club badges printed and very generously made a limited number of luminous green mud flaps that better protect following riders. Thanks Kevin!!